Creating Structure for Maximum Productivity

Hey there, fantastic readers! Welcome back to the captivating world of The Influential Nonprofit. Today, we're delving into the art of "Creating Structure for Maximum Productivity. You know the drill – we're all about helping you ask for and receive all you want, need, and deserve to make your nonprofit dreams a reality. So buckle up, because today's episode is going to be a wild ride!

Creating Structure in Your Nonprofit Life: Finding Balance in the Chaos

balance in chaos

Alright, my fellow changemakers, let's talk about structure. Yes, you heard me right. Structure doesn't have to be a dirty word. In fact, it can be your secret weapon for making magic happen in your nonprofit. But before we dive in, let's get one thing straight – we're not talking about your grandma's idea of structure here. No, no. We're all about finding that sweet spot between order and chaos, between structure and flow. So grab your coffee, your green juice, or whatever fuels your fire, because we're about to get into it.

1.      Acknowledge Your Inner Drama

inner drama

First things first, let's address the elephant in the room – your funky feelings about structure. We've all got them, so let's just own it, shall we? Whether you're a die-hard structure lover or you'd rather run wild and free, it's time to embrace those feelings and give them a little nod of acknowledgment. Trust me, it's the first step on the road to structure nirvana.

2.      Separate the Guilt and Shame

guilt and shame

Now, I don't know about you, but guilt and shame are not on my guest list for this structure party. So let's kick 'em to the curb, shall we? Those feelings have no place in your nonprofit journey, my friend. You are worthy, you are capable, and you are deserving of all the success that comes your way. So let go of the baggage and step into your power.

3.      Rewrite Your Money Story

your money story

Ah, the age-old tale of structure versus chaos. But guess what? You're the author of your own story, my friend. So why not craft a tale that's fit for fundraising royalty? It's time to ditch the scarcity mindset and embrace abundance. Rewrite your money story with a twist of positivity and watch the donations roll in.

4.      Embrace the Yin and Yang of Structure and Flow

Now that we've got our mindset in check, let's talk about finding balance in the chaos. Structure and flow – they're like yin and yang, peanut butter and jelly, Batman and Robin. You get the idea. It's all about finding that magical balance between the two that works for you and your nonprofit.

5.      Low Structure, Low Flow

Picture this: you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of chaos with no structure and no flow. Sound familiar? Yeah, not the ideal situation. But hey, we've all been there. Sometimes you just need a day to veg out and recharge, am I right?

6.      Low Structure, High Flow

Ever feel like you're living life as the manic pixie dream girl? Full of wild energy and creativity, but lacking a little thing called reliability? Yeah, it's all fun and games until someone cancels plans last minute. Let's find that balance, shall we?

7.      High Structure, Low Flow

On the flip side, you've got your regimented folks who thrive on structure but might be missing out on a little thing called spontaneity. Hey, there's nothing wrong with having a plan, but let's leave a little room for magic to happen, shall we?

8.      High Structure, High Flow

And finally, we've reached the holy grail – maximum structure, maximum flow. It's like having your cake and eating it too. With the perfect balance of structure and flow, you'll be unstoppable, my friend.

Practical Tips for Finding Balance

So how do you achieve this elusive balance, you ask? Well, I'm glad you asked. Here are a few practical tips to help you find your groove:

  • Establish a morning routine: Whether it's meditation, exercise, or just a good old cup of coffee, starting your day off right can set the tone for success.

  • Sunday planning sessions: Take some time at the beginning of each week to map out your goals and priorities. It's like a Sunday Fun day, but for your productivity.

  • Power down: Sometimes you just need a day to unplug and recharge. Trust me, your nonprofit will still be there tomorrow.

  • Long-term goals: Keep your eye on the prize and stay focused on your long-term vision. It's like having a roadmap for success.

The Power of Choice

At the end of the day, finding balance is all about choice. Whether you're a structure lover or a free spirit, the key is to embrace what works for you and your nonprofit. So go ahead, rewrite your money story, kick guilt and shame to the curb, and find your perfect balance of structure and flow. You've got this, my friend.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

If you're ready to take your nonprofit to the next level and find your perfect balance of structure and flow, I've got your back. Book a call with me today and let's make magic happen. Trust me, you won't regret it.


Learn to manage your mindset, lead yourself and others more effectively and have the meaningful conversations that drive your most important work. 




Maryanne Dersch