The Influential Nonprofit Episode 93: Maryanne Dersch: How Quantum Physics Can Make You A Better Fundraiser

In Newtonian physics, we all experience the same thing, and the possibilities are fixed.

In quantum physics, all possibilities exist in every moment and time is not linear. 

A fixed mindset relies on what happened in the past to determine what’s possible in the future.

A growth mindset considers all that can be and is open to all the possibilities for great things that the future holds. 

A Newtonian leader takes their function in more of a black-and-white, cause-and-effect, mechanical approach. Quantum leaders recognize the vast array of possibilities in all situations with their teams and they realize that leadership is shared. So they empower their teams and colleagues to lead. 

There isn’t always an easily seen and easily definable result that comes back from the effort that you put out. However, just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there or that it will never be there. 

  • If we move our mind into the quantum realm, that means all possibilities exist, and our past does not dictate our future because every moment possibilities exist.

  • Your job is to put your message out there, to be present, to be connected so that when that person decides, you're ready. But you can't make people decide, you can't push somebody into doing something and expect they're going to do it right back.

  • If we don't believe there's a possibility for things to be different, things won't be different.

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Maryanne Dersch