Turn your nonprofit board into a lead generating machine!

This powerful tool will release resistance and have your board opening those doors…finally!

"I want my board to support our fundraising, and I can't get them to do it."

You've given them talking points, ask for names or leads, or even asked them to call donors with simple thank you's and it doesn't get done. If this is you, then the good news is: You are not alone.

Most board members are awesome people committed to putting good work into your organization. Yet, fundraising can be intimidating. Board members may be uncomfortable asking for money, fear saying the wrong thing or not doing a good job.

You will learn how to simplify your board's role in your fundraising to make it super easy and fun for them to connect with potential supports and generate leads for you...without feeling rejected, ineffective or pushy. 

This simple system allows your board to have meaningful conversations to see if there is alignment to your nonprofit. If there is, YEAH! If not, that's ok too. They don't have to sell, close, push or make an ask. 

(If your board members each commit to having one of these conversations a month, imagine how many leads it would generate for you!)

You will get:

  • Understand barriers and fears to participating in fundraising

  • Define your donor pipeline and the board members’ role in supporting it

  • Learn a new tool for connecting with potential donors that takes away all the barriers and fears

  • Ways to systematize this approach so the leads are flowing to you with ease

  • How to create excitement and energy around fundraising

Thursday, October 17, 2 PM E


About Your Host….Maryanne Dersch coaches and trains nonprofit leaders to master the art of influence and raise more money without feeling rejected, ineffective or pushy. Her training helps nonprofit leaders just like you get the most out of themselves and everyone else. Her “effervescent badassery” invites you to you be more influential in your life, work and even in your own view of self.